As it nears 48 hours since the tragic crowd surge in Itaewon that took the lives of 154 people and injured 132 more, mourners have visited Itaewon to pay their respects. Police blocking off the entrance to the alleyway where the crowd surge occurred | SisalN Following the devastating tragedy, South Korean president Yoon Suk […]
“Chef & My Fridge” Star Jung Chang Wook Is Charged With Death Threats And Assault: Victims Expose Full Story On YouTube
Having risen to fame on JTBC‘s Chef & My Fridge, star chef Jung Chang Wook kept himself active both on-camera and behind the scenes. In addition to running Kumsan Noodle Factory, a popular restaurant in Seoul, the chef managed a YouTube channel @CookingChaugi. Chef Jung Chang Wook on “Chef & My Fridge” | JTBC For about a year […]